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FOUNDER- Lauren D. Walker


The mission of the Teens Igniting Change Association (TICA)is to help teens emerge from their cocoon and emerge as a beautiful butterfly by nurturing their artistic gifts, while simultaneously being an additional guide in their journey beyond high school by providing opportunities for higher education and artistic development.




TICA was created in 2011 Lauren “Doriahna” Walker. TICA celebrates the unique artistic gifts of teens, while offering opportunities for personal growth and educational opportunities for teens ages 13-18. Our organization gives teens the tools and the platform to have their talents nurtured, while building a solid foundation rooted in high self-esteem, self-confidence, unity, and diversity. TICA promotes opportunities for teens to pursue higher education through our scholarship workshops. TICA hosts the following workshops for our member’s success: scholarship workshops, etiquette classes, media workshops, acting classes, owning the stage workshops and community service opportunities.

Welcome to our world! The future is now!

Lauren Doriahna Walker was nominated for an Apex Pyramid Museum Award Feb 2015 for her charitable work with the youth of Atlanta.

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